Friday, January 27, 2012

Get a Mirror!

Ok so last week my family went on vacation. We were blessed to be able to go on the new Carnival Magic! While we were in the Embarkation process, we had to show our passports to security. While holding out all 7 passports the security personal start calling out everyone's name. When they get to mine they look at me, look at the passport and look at me again. The woman whispers to me "You might want to think about getting a new passport." I was like "Why?" Then she winked and sent us on our way.

So like for the next week I was thinking how cool it was that some hot lesbian was hitting on me.

Then the LONG day of debarkation came. I knew it would take a long time and I knew we would all be tired and cranky. Lets face it, debarkation SUCKS at any time but when your ship is delayed because of FOG then it royally sucks because you have to listen to all the people bithin' about it and blaming Carnival. (Back up a few hours... Where I nicely pointed out the Royal Carribean ship stuck in the bay to the port side of us when a lady was complaining about Carnival and the fog!... Even tired, I can be the greatest smartass around!)
Oh, back to debarkation. Here I am making sure we have all suitcases, carry ons & of course children counted for when the HOT security guy asks for our passports. Once again I hand them over, Gary's on top, then the kids' (in age order) and mine on the bottom. He starts going through the roll call. Everyone is holding up their hands as thier name is called.
Then he comes to mine and he stops.
He looks at me.
He looks at the passport.
He looks at me.
He then says "You need a new passport."
I thought to myself (This is so cool! First a hot security lesbian hits on me then a hot security man! I need to get a job at the Port of Galveston!!)

Here is how the rest of the conversation went:

Me: Huh? Why?

hotborderpatrolman: Seriously?

Me: Yeah. Why do you say that?

hotborderpatrolman: Look at your picture.

Me: Yeah I know it sucks. I didn't know you could get another picture just because your picture sucks. I thought it was like the dmv and you just kinda get stuck with it.

hotborderpatrolman: Kimberly (we're on a first name basis now! wink wink), you need a new passport because the photo doesn't look anything like you.

Me: Well I would imagine that people change their hair a lot since they are good for 10 years.

hotborderpatrolman: Huh?

Me: Why would I have to change my picture just because my hair was long and now it is short like a boy??

hotborderpatrolman: Huh? This doesn't have anything to do with your hair. I'm talking about your face. You don't look the same.

Me: Are you sure your holding my passport?

hotborderpatrolman: Yes m'am. You look like you have lost a lot of weight.

Me: Thanks, yes I have but I don't see that big of a difference.

SUPERhotborderpatrolman: Kimberly Ayn Heuermann you need to go buy yourself a mirror! Have a safe trip home.

Ok so maybe it is time I started re-evaluating the way I look with the way I used to look. Why can't I see what everyone else sees? Seriously! Why did I seem so stupid to think that these people were flirting with me?

Geesh.... I think I need a drink.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hey Stranger!

Hello all! I know that it has been a while since I have written here.

A few people have suggested to me that I am not writing because I am not making myself accountable. To those people I say FUCK OFF!!

In all honesty my life is crazy busy & I just dont "make" the time anymore to get on here.
Am I still trying? HELL YES
Have I reached my goal weight? HELL NO
Am I happy with what I have already accomplished? HELL YES
Do I see myself as FAT ASS KIM still? HELL YES
Why? I only wish I knew. I see the smaller size in my clothes but the mirror looks the same to me.

Another reason I haven't written is that I have had some major health issues and I am just not physically able to stare at the computer screen all day.Not to mention I just broke 2 fingers so typing is taking FOREVER!!

With that said, I think I am entering the "pissed off" stage in my transformation.

You see I am starting to take offense to people.

Someone recently said to me...

"Oh my GOD! Kim is that you? WOW! You look almost UNRECOGNIZABLE!"

Unrecognizable? Are you f'ing kidding me?

Was I seriously that hiddeous before??

I honestly just don't know how to react anymore. My wit is diminished and my fingers hurt!