Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Did h have a good day?


Was I told about it?


I don't know what's worse...
  • Receiving a dozen "comegethim" calls a week.
  • Not hearing anything.
You see, he had a bad day AGAIN!

This time I can't blame the food dye.

Apparently some kids told him his mother was fat.

So he sat in the office because he chose that over the BIC room.

Did he tell anyone what the kids said?



"Why should I? They won't believe me anyway!"

WTH am I suppose to say to that?
WTH am I suppose to do with that?
WTH am I suppose to do?

On another note, I was told that he was OFFERED some gummy bears for "good behavior" from one of his teachers!





I am at a loss here people...

I feel like an alcoholic reaching out for help.

h is my vodka.

On my knees....

Today I am on my knees begging for some good days.
h had a backwards slide yesterday.
Even though I feel sometimes like I am looking for "something/anything" to blame besides my son... I really think the culprit is Red 40.
You see, after about an hour after we got home h admitted he ate 2 bowls of froot loops at around 2:30 in the morning.
Now, you might say its a coincidence but I no longer do.
I put that fucking box of cereal in the trash!
I didn't even know I had it...
So today I dedicate the song Perfect by Pink to h.
I never realized how the words seem to fit my life.
To me h is perfect.
To h, he feels like he is nothing.
Oh please join me on bended knee... We need it now before we slide into our pattern from last year.
Please let today be a good day....
Made a wrong turn, once or twice
Dug my way out, blood and fire
Bad decisions, that's alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss, no way it's all good, it didn't slow me down
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look, I'm still around
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than, Fuckin' perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing you are fuckin' perfect to me
You're so mean when you talk
About yourself, you are wrong
Change the voices in your head
Make them like you instead
So complicated, look how big you'll make it
Filled with so much hatred, such a tired game
 It's enough, I've done all I can think of
Chased down all my demons, see you do the same
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than, less than perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you are perfect to me
The whole world stares while I swallow the fear
The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer
So cool in lying and we tried, tried, tried
But we try too hard, it's a waste of my time
Done looking for the critics 'cause they're everywhere
They don't like my jeans, they don't get my hair
Strange ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that? Why do I do that? Why do I do that?
Ooh, pretty, pretty, pretty
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than, less than perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel

 Like you're nothing, you are perfect to me
You are perfect to me
You're perfect, you're perfect to me

Pretty, pretty please if you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than, less than perfect
Pretty, pretty please if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you are perfect to me
I'm making a promise right now. If I find out that h's critics are the ones that are suppose to be helping him, I will not be held responsible for my actions! That is a PROMISE!! You fuck with my kid, you fuck with me! Get your head out of your sorry ass and help my kid before I get really desperate!! 


Saturday, September 14, 2013


Well a lot of people have asked how h has been doing.

I have decided to make a condensed & numbered list for your convenience.
  1. Taking responsibility for every bad decision made!
  2. Explaining rationally his side of the story for each bad day!
  3. Looked at the list of ingredients on the "snacks" available from his piano teacher!
  4. Mentioned that he "missed" taqis and cheese puffs when we were at the store. He also said he wishes they weren't made with Red Dye 40!
  5. A little girl in his class had a birthday and brought cookies. Some had pink icing and some had white. He chose the one with white after consulting with his teacher!
  6. Has dropped 1 pant size since school started! At the beginning of the year I bought him men size 40 shorts. They fell off at the front door one day and we cracked up laughing. I went to the store and bought him a 38 and a new belt! He was so excited.
  7. Starting to realize that we will walk to school every morning and we will walk home every afternoon.
  8. The other day while we were walking it started raining really hard. h asked if I had an umbrella. I told him no. I thought he was going to have a fit. Instead he looked me straight in the eye and said "Good thing we aren't made of sugar!" I said "Hey, you stole my line!" He just started laughing. Soon we were both laughing so hard. h told me "I think we are going to need a towel when we get home!
  9. h is starting to laugh more at home.
  10. h is starting to smile more and more!

These are all reasons to celebrate but seeing my son smile is worth more than anything!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Huge h breakthrough

Well yesterday wasn't the best of days for h.

I asked him how he did at school and he said BIC was called but he didn't have to stay in the BIC room. He said they were called because he threw a fit during recess.

Then h did something truly amazing!
He looked me IN THE EYE and said "Mom, I didn't have any food dye. I just had a bad day."

He gets what I'm doing for him.
He took responsibility.
He recovered on his own.
He stayed in class.

I just can't tell you how much of a breakthrough this is.

I am completely overwhelmed with emotions.

Last night for dinner I made fettucini chicken alfredo for dinner. 
I made a BUNCH of it hoping we would have some leftover for lunches.
My family ate it all. There wasn't even a mouse scrap left.

Noticing I had chicken that needed to be cooked still in my fridge, I started making another batch.
I cooked the chicken and the noodles last night. 
This morning I made the alfredo sauce and threw it all together to heat it up.
I hope my kids appreciate their lunch today...

Almost forgot,
Last night I made some new snacks.
Cheez-its (new variation)
Chocolate graham crackers
Apple-Cinnamon sticks

Recipes will be added later today.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Food Dye RED 40 is going to kill me....

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

Where do I start??

If you were questioning my red dye 40 theory with h, you need to read this.

I am seriously onto something here OR there are many coenky dinks around....

This ALL happened last week into this week.

MONDAY (1st day of school)
If you remember from my previous blog, h had a great day. His teacher was awesome and she prayed for him.

Monday AFTER SCHOOL, a gourmet cupcake shop in town was giving away a FREE cupcake to all students/teachers from like 4-7. (This place's cupcakes are like $42/dozen!)

Well, not one to pass anything for free up, G loaded the kids into the van and took them. Before they left I said "Make sure h either orders Vanilla OR White Wedding Cake!"

h ordered Maple Bacon. Maple Bacon is brown... isn't red a color in brown?

Monday's dinner was Grilled steak, barracho beans and green beans.

Vanilla Krave cereal from HEB for breakfast. NO FOOD DYES on the label. h was being a total shit in the morning. He wasn't following directions and I couldn't keep him focused on dressing, breakfast & taking his medications.

h had a very bad morning at school. He apparently "kicked" another student. He said he didn't, the teacher asked him to apologize (for touching) and he refused! This led to an interruption into class time and BIC had to be called. h returned to the class in the afternoon and had a great rest of the day. When I asked h what happened he owned up! This is HUGE!! He never takes responsibility for his actions.

Tuesday night dinner was fish sticks and goldfish mac & cheese (no food dyes!).

h didn't give me any problems waking up. He dressed on his own, took his medicine and waited patiently for his waffles to be finished.
He acted perfectly at school and had an awesome day. Since he was suppose to see his therapist, but didn't because of a scheduling error, we ran a few errands just the 2 of us.
He went to 2 different stores with me and acted like a typical 8 year old boy. A little bored but kept on trucking.

Wednesday night dinner was something called "Crazy Reed". It is a chicken/spinach/noodle dish that I copied from Cook Children's hospital.

h didn't give me any problems waking up. He dressed on his own, took his medicine and waited patiently for his egg in the hole to be finished.
He acted perfectly at school and had an awesome day. I picked him up early so he could see his psychiatrist. He volunteered to take the stairs and waited very patiently by playing his Kindlefire.

Thursday night dinner was Rotisserie chicken (made from my rotisserie) and rainbow chard.

Again, h didn't give me any problems at all. He handled his routine perfectly. However, since I woke up late I said he could have cereal for breakfast. The choices were Fruity Pebbles, Froot Loops and Chocolate Krave (Kellogg's brand). I told him he could have the Krave. I didn't even bother to look at the list because the HEB brand had no Red 40 in it.

Friday was a shit day for h. I am not sure what all happened but he ended up throwing his Expensive Planetbox lunch box across the stage in the cafeteria. Yeah, he did that AFTER he hit a boy with it. (h said the boy called him fat over and over again so he had to teach him a lesson.) 3 staff members later and he was back in the BIC room. Not only did he go to that room, he has to report there on Tuesday! When he got home he was foul tempered and unbearable to be around. I felt stupid because I couldn't figure out what the hell happened. Just for shits & giggles, I looked at the Krave box. Want to guess an ingredient? RED 40! h had 2 bowls of that cereal for breakfast!

Friday dinner was sweet potato greens with chicken.

h had a pretty good, typical 8 year old is bored day..

h had a pretty good, typical 8 year old is bored day.

Same as the weekend.
Daddy took the kids to the pool and also packed a "snack bag" while I was out shopping for fresh fruit.
Part of the snacks, were some Mickey Mouse shaped suckers that my friend bought the kids at Disneyland. I honestly forgot to give them to the kids. Then I started this whole "no red dye" experiment and decided not to let the kids have them for a while.
G let the kids have them. He was even so proud when he said he wouldn't let h have the red one.
Guess what color h did have? ORANGE! I'm not a college honor student like h's dad but it seems I remember RED & yellow make up orange?? WTF G!!!!

Dinner consisted of grilled steak, grilled corn on the cob and goldfish mac & cheese (no dyes). h pretty much refused to eat and complained the entire time!

Monday night sucked. h was refusing to take a shower and he didn't want to go to bed. He even tried sneaking his Kindlefire in bed with him.

TUESDAY (today!)
h was a fucking nightmare this morning. He refused to wake up and get ready. I heated up English muffins for breakfast while I prepared the kids' lunches.
Battle after freaking battle.
Before we walked to school G told h he was grounded from his Kindlefire.
While walking to school h was practically growling he was in such a foul mood.
I told h that if he got out of BIC early in the day then I would give him his Kindlefire afterschool.

While I waited for him this afternoon I was scared for him.

He walked to the van SMILING! He told me he was able to leave the BIC room before morning announcements were made! HOORAY!!

I let him grab his Kindlefire out of the house on our way to the triplets school. He unlocked the front door, grabbed his Kindlefire, locked the front door, grabbed a package from the UPS man & thanked the UPS man, got in the van and told me Thank You!

h started piano lessons today and had a great first lesson. His piano teacher said he was the best first timer she has ever had! He was more concerned with practicing then he was with eating dinner.

h went to bed with little to no problems.

Dinner tonight was homemade stroganoff (recipe floating around Facebook.)

The food dye has got to be the answer.

I will be more vigilant in ridding our house of this shit.

DIE RED 40!!

Guess what else???
h's teacher?
I feel like a very blessed woman tonight!