Saturday, June 8, 2013

Leaving on a jet plane...

Oh goodness.
It is that time of year when we do something I never thought we could.

WE LEAVE OUR HOUSE to go on vacation.

Of course, if it were up to G we wouldn't even be going.

For the past week, I have managed to help my kids finish up their last days of school. I have shuffled some kids to the dr, I took myself to the dr, I went upstairs (AARRGGHH!!!) to find "suitable" clothes for vacation.

I packed for SEVEN people!


Why, because apparently I am the only one who knows how to match outfits and place the damn things in suitcases.
I don't even bother with asking anyone what they want to take.
If I have to pack it, then you don't get to decide.

I have made countless trips to Target this week because I kept forgetting something.

As I sit here tonight with a quiet house (I have to wake everyone up at 3 AM!) I am reflective on how I have done with this so called "Orange Rhino" challenge.

You want to know something??

I fucking hate Rhinos and the color orange.

I don't know what it is about vacation but packing for one sucks.
Packing for SEVEN sucks worse.
Dealing with the last days of school also sucks.
Hearing that your son left his BRAND NEW RALPH LAUREN jacket at school, on a day when the school is closed! (Totally sucks!)
Visiting the "medicine dr" to help bring your kid out of his funk sucks.
Agreeing to get both girls hair dyed with some funky streaks and then having ONE of them swim the same day SUCKS!! Yup that pretty neon pink is a softer pink now. Her reply "Well... it was a swim party and besides I like this color of pink better!" (Sucks!)
Having to clean my house so the dog sitter won't break her neck sucks.

How in the hell am I not suppose to yell with all this sucky stuff going around??

I don't know.

All I know is that whatever little lesson this crazy lady came up with, it ain't working over here.

I yell because the above stuff pisses me off.

Ok, I only really yelled about the jacket and the hair but still...


In order to keep my ass calm it is going to take a nice bottle of Pinot Grigio.

Perhaps I should start a PG support group.

"Do you feel like yelling? Grab some PG!"

Wait a minute...
I think this support group already exists....


Maybe I can think more along these lines....

This time tomorrow I will be in the middle of the ocean..................................................... starting to feel relaxed already!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Before & After so far!

In case you need visual proof of what 186 pounds REMOVED looks like.

How many chins can you count in this picture??

Look y'all I have boobs!
Actually I thought they would be the first to go but they aren't changing cup sizes. The number around is getting smaller, hello Victoria's Secret, but the cup is still the same!
I'm getting curvy........

Thursday, June 6, 2013

HELLO 1's!!!

Can I just start off by saying


I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!
I can't fucking believe I did it!
Honestly I can't!!

Ok... the number on the scale this morning.........


Ok, so I am barely there..... but I am there!!

This means that to date I have lost................................... DRUM ROLL PLEASE..............................


That is more than my girlfriends weigh!


While I was at Dr. Takemyfatawaynow's office he kept staring at me. (SWOON!)

I finally stopped talking and asked him why he was staring at me.
The man actually blushed!! (SWOON)

Then he told me that he was noticing how small my face looks.
You see there was only a 2 pound difference on the scale from my last visit but he assured me that even though the scale shows 2 pounds, my body shows something completely different.
Then he proceeded to show me some print outs from his fancy schmancy scale and told me that since my last visit. Even though the scale shows 2 pounds I have lost over 10 pounds in FAT!

He made me feel so much better.
All my stress and anxiety of the last year nearly faded when he looked me in the face, blushed and told me my face looked small.

Now my stress is back because we leave for vacation Sunday (flight is at 7 AM) and here it is Thursday and I have not packed yet.

I guess I better take my CONSIDERABLY SMALLER ASS and start packing for 7!

Tomorrow I am getting my hair done and if you think I was sassy before.... you ain't seen nothin' yet!!!

This Southern girl is gonna be rockin' some serious sass tomorrow!


59 to go until I reach my goal!