I came across a website recently called www.diefooddye.com.
This is what caught my eye....**********************************************************
12 Signs Your Family Has Food Coloring Sensitivity
Do you or anyone in your family exhibit these signs of dye sensitivity?1. Hyperactivity: Can’t stop moving, runs most of the time, constant movement of hands and feet.
2. Lack of attention: Cannot focus either at home or school – without affecting all areas of life all the time (not ADD).
3. Sleep problems: Has a hard time settling down for sleep, or has sleep disturbances throughout the night.
4. Mood swings: Unexplained emotional problems, hours-long tantrums, inconsolable crying, paranoia, and meltdowns over tiny things or schedule changes.
5. Violence/Aggression: Biting, spitting, growling, hitting, kicking, and uncharacteristic mean talk.
6. Lack of impulse control: Increase in risky behaviors, excessive talking at inappropriate times, loud talking, disruptive, interrupts people a lot, hard to transition from one activity to another, does not adjust behavior in response to discipline.
7. The Ickies: Headaches, stomach aches, and vomiting.
8. Bed-wetting: This includes daytime wetting, well past the age of toilet training.
9. Skin ailments: Eczema and hives. My daughter had eczema and cradle cap before we eliminated dyes.
10. Breathing problems: Some kids require an inhaler due to dye-induced asthma.
11. Compulsiveness: Pulls out hair, eyelashes or eyebrows, picks at skin, repeats certain actions numerous times.
12. Not consistent: This is the single most important clue to watch for. Can you give your kid sugary treats without problems some days, but then other times, they freak out?
NOW, if you've been reading my blog for a while you know what kind of shitty year I had last year with h.
Let me tell you something right now....
This list describes h.
He has ALL 12!!
No, he doesn't use an inhaler but he does have some breathing issues at night.
For me this is affirmation that I am on the right track!
I have been stressing about lunches this year because I am on a mission to keep pre-packaged items out of them.
Thank you JG for showing me this website!!
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