Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010

Ok, so it has been 5 dsys since I last wrote in my diary here.
Would you like to know why it has been so long??
Well I am going to tell you anyways. I have been so fuzzed up I can't type. By fuzzed, I don't mean drunk I mean PISSED!
You see it has been almost 3 weeks since I first threw up blood. My prescription was changed and I was ordered to rest.
I followed all those directions, with the one exception of going down the red slide ONE time before the pool closed for the season.
So then Monday rolls around and I tell them that I am still throwing up blood and they have the balls to ask me if I ate anything red! Are you fucking kidding me??? Do I look stupid? (Don't answer that!) But Seriously people? DO I look stupid? Am I stupid? I don't think so. I was never honor society but I can tell you that I know the difference!
So they said they would call back... which they did 2 days later! They told me that I needed to get an EGD done and they were going to put a "Rush" on the order. I stayed home last Wed,Thurs and Fri. waiting for the phone call. You got it... NOTHING and now I can't keep down my supplements, new prescription and BARELY water. It is a good thing I am obsessed with Vitamin Water Zero because that is the only form of nutrition I am getting.

I can't even hold down a tall decaf skinny vanilla latte! (So so sorry Starbucks... I will be back to you soon!!)

So on Monday MORNING at 8:15 I decide to call AGAIN! The front office lady, lets call her Mrs. NexttimeIseeuIamgoingtopunchuintheface said she would "check" into it and call me back.
Yup, you guessed it.. I called her and she proceeds to tell me that I have an appt on Wed. I asked her what time? who made the appt? do I need a ride? etc...
Would you like to know what Mrs. NexttimeIseeuIamgoingtopunchuintheface said to me????
Yeah.. I don't know either because her head must have been stuck up her ass!! She said she would give this new doctor a call and ask them to call me, which they did ON MY CELLPHONE!! Hello?? Did I not mention that I had been waiting at MY HOUSE for 4 days waiting on them to call??? UUUGGGGHHHH!!!

So, Mrs. Perky Yourgettingpunchedtoo calls me and says that I have an appt at 3:45 on Wed of this week. I told her, there is no way I can go to an appt at 3:45. I explained that I had 5 children in school and I would prefer a time when they were in school. So she comes back with a 1:45 appt. I said FINE. I figured I could speed over to the school to get the kids. So I asked if I needed a ride to the office and she said

"No, this visit is just a C O N S O L T A T I O N!!!

To say I nearly lost it would be an understatement.

Well yesterday while fuming that now I can't even hold down my cranberry slush from Sonic Mrs. Perky Yourgettingpunchedtoo calls me ON MY CELL PHONE and says.. "I'm sorry Dr. ? has AN EMERGENCY and can't see you until 3:45... Will that be a problem??"

AN EMERGENCY??? I THOUGHT I WAS THE EMERGENCY!!! No, I didn't say that but I felt like it!

So I once again explained the 5 KIDS IN SCHOOL THING and she just didn't get it. So I told her I would take the appt.

Now guess what Momma Kim is doing today??

You guessed it... I am taking my 5 kids with me.

That's right!

If they want to play this fucking game with me... THEN LET'S PLAY!!!!!

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