Ok, so today was chaotic!!!
I didn't feel good last night so I have waited until today to pack 4 kids for 1 week!! FUN TIMES!!
Oh, did I mention we are going to have a family picnic in Granbury at my sister's in-laws house and we need to be there at 4?
So I gather all H's stuff first. Match outfits and throw them into suitcase. Next her toiletry bag and sleeping stuff. DONE
Next will be L. Same routine. DONE
K & D are next.... I was on a roll when D says "K and I aren't going to have ANY of the same shirts are we. I don't want to match him!"
Um, no not so much... maybe just a few.... Oh, ok. a few outfits but that is it! Ma likes you guys matching. She thinks it is cute. "FINE!"
K & D are DONE.
During this process, I have put the nacho cheese in the crockpot and H has decided to make my Butter Rum Pound Cake. One small thing I should tell her next time.... If we have to be somewhere at 4 and it takes 40-45 min to get there then maybe it is not a good idea to pick a recipe that takes an hour to cook when you put it in the oven at 2:45! Just sayin'!
So I call PeePaw and tell him we are going to be late. I absolutely HATE being late and just can't handle it AT ALL!! He told me not to worry about it.
While we were doing all of this, where was G you ask... Installing my toilet!! That's right. He didn't install it before because of some holes that he found under the other one. He had stopped at Lowes earlier in the week and bought the stuff to fix it. YEAH G!!
So we are all dressed and packed and G is getting in the shower. So I said, hey lets empty all the pool stuff from the van so we have room for the suitcases. When I went outside, I forgot that my garage door was open. (I had opened it for my neighbor so he could borrow my mower.) Well we found a little bird had stepped onto our glue trap that is in the garage. Great! It is already 4, the cake is done, the nacho cheese is melted, the van is packed and now we can't leave because a helpless little bird stepped on a glue trap.
Now, I am not one that cries over stupid birds. In fact, I HATE birds. I always have and probably always will. (I remember refusing to stay at my friends house in highschool because she had a freakin' bird in HER ROOM!!)
Birds, baloons... yeah they rate right up there with a brazilian wax. NO THANKS
So, here I now have 5 kids crying that "birdie" will starve to death because he is trapped on this sticky stuff. Great! Now the kids have named it. THINK QUICK KIM THINK QUICK. I tell H to run inside and get a plastic knife and I get the hose turned on. I decided it might be smart if I went down the foot while H gently lifts the foot up and cuts away at the glue. (I also have the hose to spray the birds face if he even tries to peck at H. I understand he is scared but if he pecks H he is going DOWN!!)
Well it works and as soon as we get his foot free he freaks out and gets the other foot and half his body on the trap. SHIT!!! I HATE BIRDS!!! THIS STUPID BIRD IS GOING TO MAKE ME LATER!!!!
Keep irate feelings to myself and we go to surgery again. I didn't realize the bird was free until he took off running with a plastic knife attached to his back. I told H "QUICK grab the knife!". Before I got all the words out, he ran under the bushes. D looks up and says "For Pete's sake!" So H opened up the bushes so D could see and he pulled the knife. That little bird gave a few chirps but there was no feathers on the knife at all so D did great! As I went inside to tell G we were all ready and what had just happened, that little bird flew out of the bushes and buzzed my head. I am not sure if he was saying thank you or if he was trying to shit on me but either way he got my attention and he flew off.
We got to Mimi & PeePaws house at 5:30 and had a great time. It was great to see my brother, his wife (note to M & M.... babies soon please!!!), my neice & nephew, my sister and her husband. Once again my sister brought her friends along. I know this shouldn't bother me but it kinda does. Her friends' son calls my sister "Aunt" and my kids wonder what state she lives in because we only seem to see her on holidays. (Note... she lives about 30 min away)
Oh well, made the most of it.
Dinner tonight....
Grilled hamburger, no bun, with mango salsa on top
Nachos and countless deviled eggs. Seriously, I don't know how my brother's wife makes them but she is a Genius when it comes to deviled eggs! YUMMY!
I also had one slice of my pound cake and a helping of pasta salad.
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