Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 5, 2010

OMG!!! I am exhausted from today!!!
First of all I wake up to see _ _ 7 on the scale.
I must admit that I thought it would say a higher number.... so glad I was wrong.

So today is the start of Museum School week for all 5 of my kids. H is there from 10-12 and K,L,D and h is there from 1-3. I am not sure how this shitty schedule happened but they are all in the classes they wanted so whatever....

G was off today so he went with us to the museum. To say that today is a day I should have worn my boot would be a total understatement... more on that later.

Wake up early, make lunches for everyone, make breakfast for everyone, get dressed and pick out clothes for everyone (sounds like a typical day in Kim's World)
Once we get to the museum, we drop off H in her class and go get our passes for the day. G decides that we are going to see 3 planetarium shows and an omni show. (Oh, so glad he is with us today... snicker snicker)

I WALK the stairs to the Planetarium. G is still looking for the elevator and I am halfway up the stairs. He looks at me with a puzzled look and I said... "WHAT? You think all I do is eat cucumbers??"
We stay upstairs for the 2nd planetarium show because they are pretty much back to back.
We take the elevator DOWN (foot hurts too bad while walking down stairs).
Go pick up H and go to the van to get our lunchboxes while G finds us a table in the cafe.
After lunch (mine consisted of cucumbers and a slimfast... theirs was a delicous looking sandwhich, applesauce, pluit, cheese stick and 100 calorie pack of Lorna Doone cookies....... MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!!!!!)

We go to Energy Blast which is a 4D show. h is a little freaked out but surprisingly lives through the 7 minute ordeal. We drop the other 4 off and head to the 3rd planetarium show for the day. After looking at the Leonardo Di Vinci exhibit we head back to pick 'em up. YES I walked the stairs again!!!
Next up Omni show... STAIRS again!!
Leave the museum, stop at DQ for a dipped cone (museum school tradition) for everyone... except me, stop at the library to get h his own library card, pick up tons of books and a few kiddy movies, go home and make dinner......

NACHOS again!! This time I browned hamburger meat and added that to the top of the cheese. YUMMY!!!
I pass on the 4th of the July cake that H made and went to bed at 8 to prop my foot up.
2 vicodins and a large glass of water later I woke up at 10:30 to the sounds of my family playing Wii. Got up to pee, told them to turn the Wii off and went back to sleep!

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